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2010  Contents owned and maintained by Directorate of Pension, Finance Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh Designed, Developed and Hosted by National Informatics Centre Contact: Phone Number - 0522-2287044. Fax No. 0 - 0522-2287080. Address - Pension Directorate , Uttar Pradesh , 8th Floor , Indira Bhawan , Ashok Marg , Lucknow-226001 . E-mail - Step 1: The applicant has to visit to the homepage of the website of the Uttar Pradesh Government. Step 2: Click on the Widow pension. SSPY Step 3: On the same page, you have to click on the ‘’ Apply Online’’.

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The best place to start is by speaking to an independent pensions expert to make sure you make all of the right decisions. Make an enquiry to get started. This scheme is similar to the Samajwadi Pension Scheme (750 rupees/month) but with increased coverage.

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